My Timeline

  • The Day I Was Brought To The World

    The Day I Was Brought To The World
  • First Christmas

    First Christmas
  • Began School In Pre-school

    Began School In Pre-school
  • Went To Mexico for 9 months

    Went To Mexico for 9 months
  • Started To Play Soccer

    Started To Play Soccer
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
  • Went to Las Vegas

    Went to Las Vegas
  • Got called out of class to go to an Angles game

    Got called out of class to go to an Angles game
    At first I thought I was going to the doctors but turns out we were heading towards the angles stadium
  • first time of camping

    first time of camping
    Got to experience a new environment
  • went to san francisco

    went to san francisco
    Realized the joy in traveling and got to experience a new culture