My Timeline

  • My mom was born

    My mom was born
    My mom was born before I was born.
    BB: 24 years
  • mom graduated from college

    my mom graduated from college.
  • My parents got married

    My parents got married
    My parents got married.
    BB: 2 years
  • My mom gave birth to me

    My mom gave birth to me
    I was born on July 20, 2007.
  • my brother was born

    my brother was born
    My brother Brady was born
    AB: 2 years
  • my parents divorced

    my parents divorced
    My mom and dad did not like each other anymore, so they divorced.
    AB: 3 years
  • I went to disney world

    I went to disney world
    We went to disney world. It was fun.
    AB: 5 years.
  • My brother cameron was born

    My brother cameron was born
    My brother Cameron was born. He is the youngest.
    AB: 4 years