Griffin 196406 5214 v1 w360

My Timeline

  • Day I was Born

    Day I was Born
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Google bought Youtube

    Google bought Youtube
  • Steve Jobs announce the iphone

    Steve Jobs announce the iphone
  • Usain Bolt set a new world record in the 100m sprint at the Olympics

    Usain Bolt set a new world record in the 100m sprint at the Olympics
  • Barack Obama became president

    Barack Obama became president
  • Australia wild fire

  • Earthquake in Hati

    Earthquake in Hati
  • Earthquake in Japan

    Earthquake in Japan
  • The day i started kindergarten

    The day i started kindergarten
  • I cracked my head open

  • The day I started Mead school of first grade

  • The day I started basketball

    The day I started basketball
  • North Korea conducts their third nuclear test.

    North Korea conducts their third nuclear test.
  • The Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley cup

    The Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley cup
  • Trump becomes president

    Trump becomes president
  • The last day of elementry school

  • The day I started Middle school

  • Hurricane Irma

    Hurricane Irma
  • I got in to NJHS