
My life

By mvirula
  • Birth

    I was born on a sunday at 1pm at St Francis hospital. I was the first child that My mom and dad had toghether.
  • Moved to guatemala

    Moved to guatemala
    My parents decided me to send me to Guatemala. There I lived with my grandparents.
  • Baby Brother

    Baby Brother
    While I was in Guatemala my parents had my baby Brother Meisner.
  • Returning to USA

    My parents decided it was Long enough since I left so they chose to Bring me back home.
  • Baby Belen

    Baby Belen
    A few months later my baby sister Belen was born.
  • First day of school

    Since I spent most of my life in Guatemala, I had to start school late.
  • Another sister

    Another sister
    My parents decided that our family was not big enough, so they had my baby sister Darlin.
  • Mis quinces

    Mis quinces
    My parents decided to have my quinces in Indiana with my cousins and my family.
  • Family vacation

    Family vacation
    My parents saved up money to have a family vacation at Niagra falls.
  • Lucky

    My mom gave us the amazing news that we could have a dog.