My timeline

  • Period: to

    My timeline

  • I was left in the Philippines to live with my Grandma

    I was left in the Philippines to live with my Grandma
  • I moved to America

    I moved to America
  • First day in school ever

    First day in school ever
  • Got my first cat Bailey

    Got my first cat Bailey
  • My cat Bailey runs away

    My cat Bailey runs away
  • Went on vacation in the Philippines

    Went on vacation in the Philippines
  • Turned into American citizen

    Turned into American citizen
  • Got my cat Ginger

    Got my cat Ginger
  • Graduated from Immaculate Conception school

    Graduated from Immaculate Conception school
  • Went to take care of grandma in the Philippines

    Went to take care of grandma in the Philippines
  • Going to get my car

    Going to get my car
  • Move to canada

    Move to canada
  • Graduated Highschool

    Graduated Highschool
  • Kanye west runs for president

    Kanye west runs for president
  • Going to college becomes free

    Going to college becomes free
  • Work at disney for part time job

    Work at disney for part time job
  • Make my own buisness

    Make my own buisness
  • Graduate from college with masters degree

    Graduate from college with masters degree
  • Help create robots with artificial intelligence

    Help create robots with artificial intelligence
  • Get caught in world war three

    Get caught in world war three