My timeline

  • The day i was born

    The day i was born
    I was born in Santa Ana. I was a C-section. And i was the last one born out of 4.
  • Leukemia

    I was 2 years old when my brother Kevin was diagnosed with cancer in his white blood cells. He survived but then was diagnosed again when he was 8 and my mom took care of him day and night at the hospital so i was raised by my oldest brother who was 16 and already had is own kid and my sister who was 12.
  • Fire

    I was about 7 years old when my house burned down. I was home with my mom and grandmother. We were having dinner when my mom realized it smelled like smoke and when she went to the kitchen it was already on fire.
  • Summer Vacation to Mexico

    Summer Vacation to Mexico
    I went to mexico to visit my moms family for the first time and it was a great experience. I got to visit the streets my mom grew up in and meet cousins that i had no idea i even had.
  • First day of Middle School

    First day of Middle School
    It was very different because we had 6 classes instead of 1. We also had to do PE and change in the lockers with other students. Everyone sort of knew each other and there was a lot more drama.
  • My Second Nephew Was Born

    My Second Nephew Was Born
    When my second nephew was born it was a big deal to me because i actually saw him grow and like take his first steps and i would babysit him a lot so me and him are very close. And although i have an older nephew, when he was born i was pretty young so it wasn't the same.
  • Road Trip to New York

    Road Trip to New York
    I went on a road trip to New York during my 7th grade summer. It was 5 of us in a van , and i went with my aunt and cousins. We traveled through 10 different states.
  • First Fight

    First Fight
    I was in 8th grade and i went to the block with some friends.
  • First Tattoo

    First Tattoo
    I got it in 8th grade. I got it on the inside of my lip so it wont be visible and to see what it felt like. I got " OC" because its where i grew up in.
  • Washington

    i had a second road trip to Washington to visit my sister because she moved out there with her husbands family. We went during winter so it was snowing over there at the time. It was a really good experience because we got to slide down mountains of snow on boards and i got to catch up with my sister.
  • Second tattoo

    Second tattoo
    I got my second tattoo my freshmen year. It was a lot bigger then my first one and i got it on my waist line. I got my last name because i like my last name and i'm proud of who and where i came from.
  • First Time Caught

    First Time Caught
    I ditched school on 4/20 and was smoking at the church next to Rancho. A cop car pulled up and saw me and some friends and we got arrested. We got suspended and my mom did not trust me the same way ever since.
  • First Job

    First Job
    My first job was at a Mexican restaurant called "Sabrosada". I was getting payed $11.50 an hour and i was working on weekends from 6pm - 2:30am.
  • My Third Tattoo

    My Third Tattoo
    I got my zodiac sign tatted on the side of my ribs because my sister also has it and we were both born on October. My sister is very special to me because i learned a lot from her and she took care of me since i was young.
  • My Forth Tattoo

    My Forth Tattoo
    I got an orange ribbon on the other side of ribs because my brother Kevin had leukemia cancer twice and survived both times. That event in my life was big because it affected the way i was raised.