My timeline

  • my cousin was born 13 BB

    my cousin was born 13 BB
    My cousin Ryan was born
  • My cousin Lauren was born 9 BB

    My cousin Lauren was born 9 BB
    My favorite cousin was born.
  • My cousin Kelly was born 5 BB

    My cousin Kelly was born 5 BB
    Kelly is my second favorite
  • My parrents moved to a new house before i was born

    The moved to Drexel hill near booner prendie high school.
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at DHCM in July 27 2006
  • My brother was born 2 AB

    My brother was born 2 AB
    My brother Jack was born
  • My family went to Disney

    My family went to Disney
    We went to the one in Florida
  • My aunt died

    My aunt Marry died from lung cancer
  • My oldest cousin had baby's 13 BB

    My oldest cousin had baby's 13 BB
    My cousin Ryan had twins and there names are Walter and Lena
  • my dad got a new job

    My dad is starting a new company.