My birth
I was born on September 29, 1999. -
Hillary Clinton elected into Senate
In 2000, Hillary Clinton is elected into the United States senate and is the first former First Lady to be elected. This effects the government beause it shows that women can have high postions in government and this would inspire more variety of people within the government. -
The terrorism of the World Trade center twin towers occurred on this date. Many people died and it was the first real act of terrorism the United States had experienced. This event caused The U.S. government to be more strict about security to prevent another event to happen like this. -
George W. Bush elected president
George W. Bush is elected president of the United States in 2002. He had to take much action during his time of office when the 9/11 terrorist attacks occured. Bush had to use resources from the government to create stricter security after the event. -
My sister's birth
This was the day that my sister was born. She impacted my life for the better andI was no longer an only child. -
Hurricane Katrina
The Gulf Coast was hit by a large-scale hurricane that caused much damage and debt. The government had to provide services to help pay for damges and repair houses and much more. -
First day of Kindergarten
The first day of kindergarten was an important day in my life. It was the start of my school carrer at elementary school. -
First time getting stitches
When i was 6 years old I fell out of bed and hit my eyebrow on the corner of my bedside table. I had to go to the hospital to get stitches. -
My First iceskating lesson
This was my first iceskating lesson that has evolved into eight years dedication to the sport. I have accomplished many skills, spins, and jumps. -
First time on an airplane
The first time i was on a plane was to Disney World. It was my first major traveling excperience. -
Barack Obama elected president
Barack Obama was elected present the United States in 2008, and was re-elected in 2012. He was the first African-American to be elected. During his time in office he and the democrats were able to pass a health care reform. The government was impacted by this event becuase Obama had final say on descisions made and Made the government open to more variety of canidates. -
Assasination of Osama bin Laden
U.S. army troops killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in 2011. This meant that the government would not have to continue sending troops to search for the terrorist that could potenitally cause another tragedy. -
Sandy Hook Shooting
A shooting occurs at an elementary school in 2012. 20 students and 6 teachers were killed. This impacts the governments stress on security in schools. -
End of war with Iraq
The U.S. stops sending troops to fight against Iraq in 2012. President Obama has a meeting with the Prime Minister of Iraq and American troops eventually leave. However, the U.S. government will provide miltiary and economic support to Iraq. -
6th Grade Graduation
This was a major day in my life because i would be going to the junior high next school year and it was my last time in elementary school. It was a somewhat difficult, but exciting transition. -
Government shutdown
When Republicans created a budget was that took away from the Affordable Care Act, the democrats were agaisnt it. They failed to have a bipartisan on the issue and resulted in part of the government shutting down for 17 days. -
I got my braces on
Getting my braces on was a big change in my life. It changed my apperance and would change my teeth for the better -
National Junior Honors Society
In eigth grade i was inducted into the National Junior Honors Society based on grades and participation in 7th grade. This was a big accomplishement for me becuase it is a prominent club and rewarded my hard work form the previus year. -
same-sex marriage legal
In June of 2015, Same-sex marriage was made legal in the Unitied States. This was a controversial topic that would bring much support but also protest to the government. -
16th Birthday
My sixteenth bithday was a major milestone in my life so far. It meant that I was able to apply for a job and permit. It symbolized maturity and a big step in my life.