My timeline

  • Born

  • Said my first word

    My first word was "dad".
  • Got our dog Reggie

    Reggie was a redish lab, he lived to be 14 years as the life span for a lab is 10-12. He was a great dog, and no dog can ever top how great he was!
  • First day of school

    This is not the exact day, but around here, when I was three years old I started pre-school.
  • First time riding a bike

    I learned how to ride a bike pretty young. My dad taught me, and I tried and tried. I would try riding it in our driveway all the time. We have a very non-busy street, so I went out on there and started to get the hang of it.
  • Lost my first tooth

    I lost my front teeth first I think. I had no teeth for my kindergarten photos.
  • Went on my first vacation

    We went to Michigan, and we did lots. We went to the sand dunes, and it was fun!
  • Got my first guinea pig

    I got my first Guinea pig in 5th grade. His name was Rocko.
  • Got my first phone

    I was ending 5th grade when I got my first phone. I got the 5s and I saved up for it!
  • My niece Makenna was born

    This was the day Makenna was born, before COVID too. We all got to see her that day!