my timeline

  • 2023 BCE

    month 3

    In the third month of pregnancy, the embryo transitions into a fetus and experiences a period of rapid growth and development. Facial features, limbs, organs, bones, and muscles all begin to form during this stage. By the end of the 12th week, the fetus has a developed sex, although it may not be visible on ultrasound for several more weeks.
  • 2022 BCE

    month 1

    In the initial stage of pregnancy, a number of crucial formations take place. What starts as a small cluster of cells will eventually develop into the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord. Simultaneously, a tube begins to take shape, eventually becoming the fetus's brain and spinal cord, while the circulatory system also begins to form.
  • 2022 BCE

    month 2

    At 2 months pregnant, your body is undergoing changes to support the growth of your baby. Hormonal shifts may influence your energy levels and mood. You might also encounter symptoms such as morning sickness, breast swelling, fatigue, and changes in your appetite.
  • month 4

    During this phase of pregnancy, the fetus has developed eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair. Additionally, the teeth and bones are becoming denser. The baby is also capable of sucking their thumb, yawning, stretching, and making facial expressions. Furthermore, the nervous system is commencing its functionality at this stage of pregnancy.
  • month 6

    At the sixth month, most of the symptoms from the first trimester have probably disappeared. The belly has grown noticeably, and daily movements of the fetus are being felt. The breasts have increased in size significantly, up to three times, and the areolas have become larger and darker
  • month 7

    By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby begins to accumulate fat. They measure about 36 cm (14 inches) in length and weigh between approximately 900 and 1800g (two to four pounds). At this stage, your baby's hearing is fully developed, and they are actively shifting positions and responding to stimuli such as sound, pain, and light
  • month 8

    At this stage, your baby is approximately 46cm (18 inches) long and weighs around (five pounds), and will continue to mature and develop body fat reserves. You may observe an increase in your baby's kicking. Additionally, the baby's brain is undergoing rapid development, and they are capable of seeing and hearing.
  • month 5

    Your baby's head is starting to sprout hair, while their shoulders, back, and temples are covered with lanugo, a fine hair that protects the baby and is usually shed by the end of the first week of life. Additionally, your baby's skin is coated with vernix caseosa, a whitish substance.
  • month 9

    During this period, the fetus continues to grow and develop. The lungs are nearly fully developed at this stage of pregnancy. The ninth month is largely dedicated to completing the final stages of growth and brain development.