• Married

    Beverly Fabian Petersen married Henry Petersen
    Married 1960
  • Birth

    Both my mom and dad were born in this year
  • Married

    Krista Petersen Hong married Steven Hong
  • Birth

    September 8th, 2004
  • I was babtized

    I was babtized
    At hope church by Pastor Dave
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
    My brothers name is Zachary. He is 10 and currently in 5th grade at Seven Hills.
  • I got stitches on my forehead

    I got stitches on my forehead
    I lost lots of brain cells
    I ran my forehead into a couch arm
  • Period: to


    I go to school
  • I got my own room

    I got my own room
    I got my own room. Before I had to sleep with my brother. I had all of my things moved to my new room. I reorganized about a month after I got my room. I still am in the same room
  • My cat died

    My cat died
    Name was William
    He died when I was 9
    I was very sad
    My cat was a declawed rag doll. He has suck outside and died just like that. He had a problem on his neck. I did't know why.
    My cat died when he was 16 years old
  • I got another cat named copper

    I got another cat named copper
    She is currently alive today
    We spent about half an hour deciding what her name should be. She has almost TRIPLED in size from when she was a kitten.
  • I read the hunger games

    I read the hunger games
    All three books
    I liked the series
  • My grandpa died

    My grandpa died
    he collected hats, tools, and other things.
  • I went to Taiwan

    I went to Taiwan
    I saw Taipei 101 new year fireworks
    I tried lots of new foods. There was ice cream that cost 50 american sense and was about a foot long. We went hiking in the mountains.