• The day i was born

    The day i was born
    I was born in Arauca at 12pm in the Saint Vincent hospital and there was when everything started.
  • My first birth day celebration

    My first birth day celebration
    In my first birth day celabration, many menbers of my family came to see me how i reached my first year of life, i think it should be a really good day, but i really don't remember too much.
  • Period: to

    My Primary School Experience

    In this period of time it was when I went to study in elementary school in the school that was in Francisco José de Caldas school, there I lived very nice experiences, I met many friends and learned many things like math, Spanish, to read to write and I discovered that I really liked the drawing
  • My primaty school grade

    My primaty school grade
    this is when i reached my grade on primary schoold, i remember that my parents were so happy and me too.
  • Period: to

    My highschool days

    At that time it was when I entered sixth grade and started high school, I made a lot of friends doing well in the studies, I learned many things, I continued practicing my drawing, I had my first boyfriend, I also had bad times but it was a pleasant experience to the alrga , and then I started studying at SENA, where I am currently.