My Timeline

  • Birth.

    'Twas the evening of the fifth day of the first month. I was extracted from my mothers womb and took my first breaths. The clock read 5:01. I was confused. Where was I? Who was I? Let these questions be answered with time, for I had little to fret about. My father, none to excited to see the bowels and insides of mine mother, promptly became ill. I was alive.
  • Gremlin.

    I had journeyed through the small amount of life I had been granted at this point in time when the news arose. Mother was expecting. This was an unexpected tribulation for small me, for although mine mother had bore a child prior to my conception, I would no longer be the youngest. I was the middle child.
  • Separation.

    'Twas a life of hard knocks when the month of October came to fruition. My mother and Father sat me and my two siblings down and imparted us on the direction of mother and fathers matrimony. They were getting divorced. This was for the better. They bickered and fought habitually. They were quite unhappy, and now, I had two Christmases.
  • Departure.

    On this day, tragedy struck my kin. My mother's Father had passed. I was exceedingly close with my grandfather, so this news hit me hard. I loved his stories, and I loved his music. The world was blessed with a wonderful man who loved his family dearly and vice versa. God rest his soul in heaven.
  • Kindling.

    My father had had a relationship with a woman for quite some time now. They were getting married at last! It was a beautiful day with lots of celebration and cake! I was aged a decade. I had given a wonderful speech to the audience of the wedding about how grateful I was. I had a stepmother.
  • Gremlette.

    Along came the second! My stepmother was now pregnant. My sister came from an egg donor and was sent forth into the world late September. I now had a baby sister.
  • Relocation.

    I was in a suboptimal situation living with my mother for all the post-separation life. My behavior was atrocious, so were my grades, and my mental health. So I decided that I would migrate into my father abode. This was a difficult process that left my mother all but physically wounded. I have improved to a great extent in this new environment. I have become a better person.
  • Friendship.

    I had transferred schools right before the 2nd semester of my 9th year of school. I felt alone. The day after my decade and a half on this planet was the day that I came to Mountain View. I knew no one. Until I met them. It was in Spanish class. I now had my best friend since.
  • Companionship.

    I had been willed a feline through my fathers second marriage. I loved this cat. But, to my dismay, we had to put him to sleep. It was terrible, and I almost handled it, until his small head dropped lifelessly in the veterinarians arms. I had lost my companion.
  • Gremlette II.

    Gremlette II.
    Once again, my stepmother fell ill with a child. My other sister, age two, did not take too kindly to this. She now knows what I felt on the dreaded 28th of January. I now had 4 siblings.