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My Timeline

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born on 1/9/02 in Norlfolk, Nebraska
  • I was welcomed into a new home

    I was welcomed into a new home
    I'm finally released from the hospitle.
  • My Firsrt BIrthday!

    My Firsrt BIrthday!
    I finally turn one! I am Able to crawl around and im able to "speak my own language".
  • A new face welcomed

    A new face welcomed
    I'm no longer the youngest child, a new face joins are family! She goes by the name Shelby Rae Effle
  • Goodybye

    To be honest I don't really know the time or the day, That my father died. He had a seveir tumor in his brain.... Cancer..... I barely rember what happened that day. Other than my Mother saying , that she heard him cry out for God and kept saying the angels are coming.
  • New school

    New school
    I start attending IC Elementary school. ( at that Time my mom wasn't working there).
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    My mother decided she needed help with her children. SO she decided to move closer to her parents, in Charles city, Iowa. My Mom was moved by Field Bros. Moving (wich later that company affects our life).
  • Teaching

    My Mom joins IC Staff as their beloved sepacial Ed teacher. Mrs.Field
  • New school

    New school
    I finish IC, and Advance into the Middle School. I'm no longer in my comfort zone.
  • Goodbye MS

    Goodbye MS
    Last year at the middle school, before I join the highschool.
  • New dog

    New dog
    I want a dog, I want it to be a poodle mix. A reallh fluffy one, so i can shave it like a lion and name it either simba or moofasa (after the lion king).
  • Freshmen

    I'm now a new student attending the CCHS, My sister is now a senior.
  • License

    Old enough and passed my Diver's test, I'm now qualified by law to drive a automoblie by myself
  • Graduation

    Finallly off to college and starting my own life.
  • College

    Attending Iowa state to get a degree in Animation , Veternairian, or Engineer.
  • Graduation part 2

    Graduation part 2
    Graduate College with either of thooes degreese
  • Military

    I want to serve our country on at least 2 tours. I want to be a Navy seal. Because, I want to do anything in my power to protect our great land.
  • Hello Family

    Hello Family
    When I get back from war, I want to settle down and have a family.
  • Home sweet home

    Home sweet home
    I want to take my children to my birth town and show them where I lived, where I was born, and where the grandpa is burried. (and possibly take them to a husker's game)