My Timeline

  • My dad was born

    My dad was born
    His name is Steve or Steven too :)
  • My mom was born

    My mom was born
    My mom's name is Connie
  • My mom and dad's wedding

    My mom and dad's wedding
    They had a great time there.
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
    My brothers name is Gregory he is 16 years old.
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in a hospital called Crozer in Upland
  • I went to Disney world

    I went to Disney world
    I was 5 years old when i went.
  • We got my cat moe

    We got my cat moe
    It was a christmas present
  • I went to canada

    I went to canada
    I got a big snake there.
  • First concussin

    First concussin
    Crozer keystone was where i went to see if my brain was damaged,i threw up at the enterance,It was not fun.
  • I finished my timeline

    I finished my timeline
    It took me 2 years 5 months 2 dayes 5 hours 7 mins and 6seconds to finish it.