I was born in Bogota, in 20 of october, in the year 2003. i was a little kid who didn't know about his future -
I enter on my first school when i was 3 years old. In a kinder garden called "mundo travieso" -
Then, I enter to my first primary, in "colegio ave maria" my mom choose this school becouse my sister study there , i make my primary in this school -
In six grade, I enter tyo a school academy. First, i just go fo training, after that, they call me to play in Bogota league, and with this team, i play pony futbol, national and international tournament in: Cali, Cucuta, Manizales and Argentina. -
Most important things
For me, the most important things that happen in the past and my present was: All travels with my familiy and my last team, all things i did with my friends, all party's, or playing soccer, or crazyest things, this make my life more happy -
I was in three schools in secundary, counting this. In "instituto san juan de Dios" i made: six and seven grade. In "instituto tecnico comercial Restrepo" i made: Eight and nine grade, i lose ten grade in this school, and in this school i made ten grade and actually i'm in eleven grade