my timeline !

  • im born

    im born
    this was me when i was born,i was born in brenham around 6 in the morning my mom said.
  • i walk

    i walk
    my mom said that this was the time i started to walk
  • my first vacation !

    my first vacation !
    this was my first vacation to mexico,i remember that i was about 1 year to vist my grandpa and then the secon time was when i was 2 and had just turned then the december of that year my grandpa died
  • first home !

    my first home was at brenham i loved it and 8 only stayed there for 1-2 years move back to mexico and then navasota
  • childhood

    i dont know to explain it but i love my child hood i would dance,sing,watch disney and listen to alot of music that i still do love and i just think that when i was little it there was more freedom,if i could go back i would but i wouldnt change it just relive it
  • my first pet !

    my first pet was a gold fish and i remember that he died because we were moving and it was cold but my mom was just gonna leave him outside quickly but she forgot and then he froze
  • pre-k

    i was 4 finna be 5 when i started pre-k,it was so fun and thats where i met my best friends
  • i rode my bike for the first time !

    i remember i was like 8 when i rode my bike without the training wheels
  • my first dog

    my first dog was when i was in 2nd grade he was a border collie mix with chihuahua
  • STAAR :(

    when i had to take my first staar when i was in 3rd grade and i passed them
  • 4 Grade

    my 4 grade year was the best and i loved it
  • my sister

    in 2015 is when my sister gradurated from highscool and i was so proud of her !
  • my grandma died :(

    my grandma died when i was in 6 grade and i remember that it was so quick that it was just crazy
  • family reunion

    our last family reunion was when i was in 6th but i remember that they were so fun and cool,that was the best thing in november i hope we have one
  • my first phone/tablet

    i got my first tablet when i was 9 and my first phone when i was 12
  • baptisted

    i was baptised in rosenberg tx
  • 8 Grade

    i enter in 8 grade
  • dream vacation 1

    i dont know when i will go to my dream vacation but i hope that it happens quick and i enjoy it so much.HAWII !
  • my dream house/kids

    my house would look so pretty and i would like to have 3 kids
  • me dead

    i will acoplish things but i will end up dying so