My timeline

  • My dad was born 33BB

    My dad was born 33BB
    He was born in Philadelphia, and he was born at Jefferson.
  • Ant was born 18BB

    Ant was born 18BB
    My ant was born on this day and she is one of my favorite. She was born at Lankenua hospital.
  • My parents got married 6BB

    My parents got married 6BB
    They got married at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox church.
  • Sister born 3BB

    Sister born 3BB
    My sister was born at Lankenau Hospital. My sisters name is Theodora.
  • Where I was born

    Where I was born
    I was born at lankenau hospital.
  • I got my first dog 9AB

    I got my first dog 9AB
    My dog was so cute and his name was Rambo.
  • I won the state championship two years in a row 10AB

    I won the state championship two years in a row 10AB
    My team won state cups back to back and it was awesome.
  • I made the union academy 10AB

    I made the union academy 10AB
    I got picked to play for a very good team and I was exited.
  • I killed my first deer 1AB

    I killed my first deer 1AB
    I like hunting and the first time I went out I killed one.
  • My baby cousin was born 12AB

    My baby cousin was born 12AB
    My baby cousin was born and I was very happy.