My timeline

  • My birth

    I was born in the morning on march 16th 2010. My dad helped my mom give birth to me.
  • My parents divorce

    My parents got divorced when I was 2. I still don't fully know why.
  • My mom got a boyfriend

    In 2015 my mom met someone and ended up dating them for 6-ish years.
  • My mom broke up with her boyfriend/ fiance

    In 2021 my mom ended up breaking up with the person she started dating in 2015, even though my mom and the person broke I still stayed best friends with the person's daughter.
  • My oldest brother went to college

    My oldest brother went to college on 8/10/2022. My oldest brother means a lot to me. My oldest brother is going to college at UNI and he is studying four different things that involve music.