Salem Witch Trials
People of salem were thinking people were witches so they started the Salem witch trials. And it only really started because Tituba was likely forced to say she was doing witch craft which she likely wasn't. -
The American Revolution
The American Revolution was America's fight for independence against Britain. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston tea party was a bunch of people dressed as Indians and throwing tons of tea into the water as a protest against the taxing on tea. -
Axe Man of New Orleans
The axe man of new orleans was a person who used a weapon from the victims house normally an Axe and then the axe man would murder the victim. -
Apollo 11
The first space ship to send humans out of space and onto the moon. The two people where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. -
I was born in a hospital. Brought into the world by my mom, a whole new wooooooorld. -
Double Digits!
My tenth birthday and my first double digits. I don't really know why but i was excited for this. -
This was the first time we as a family had ever gone to Disney. I can'r remember what i was doing probably sleeping but they said we were going on a road trip and that's all. -
Middle School
I turned 11 after the summer it was my first year of middle school. I was nervous most of my friends didn't go to SBA so i had to make new friends and I'm pretty bad at that. -
The day I had joined drama skeptical if i was going to even like it seeing as I am not out going.