my timeline

  • seizures

    When i was younger (0 to 4) i had seizures and they would last about 10 to 20 minutes and my mom would yell at the docters/nurses to do something about it
  • my sister moved out

    A couple months ago my older sister (britney) got a job at plaster fun time and quickly became manager and i went there 3 times to make stuff it was fun because sometimes when people leave they leave the pizza and we get it which means free pizza
  • birth

    I was born at Lawrence hospital. when i was born my mom wanted sea section because she had a twin i think.
  • One big seizure

    When i was about 5 or 4 me and my sister were at my grandparents house and it was hot day and my sister had the hose and she had it on high and she sprayed it at my back and i went into a huge seizure and i had to be rushed to the hospital and my grandmothers friend Al had to watch my sister and she sprayed him.
  • I got my tonsils taken out

    When i was younger (don't know what age i was ) i got my tonsils taken out and when i woke up all i wanted was Pudding and i got my pudding
  • My parents didn't see my play when i was in kindergarten

    My parents didn't  see my play when i was in kindergarten
    When i was in kindergarten there was play we were doing and my sister had it the same time i was and my parents asked my teacher if i could go to my sisters play and she said no because i had my own and my mom got mad because she didn't tell my mother what was happening and i got mad because my parents didn't get to see my play
  • My older sister moved out

    My older sister (Brittany) moved out then back in then she move to an apartment and then she moved upstairs from where house and then Officially moved out
  • got my first hamster

    got my first hamster
    I got my first hamster when I was eight years old I named him peanut I named him that is because they're really tiny
  • my dog jack died

    A couple years ago we had a dog named Jack and he was old like 13 years old and he had to get put down I was at my grandparents have the time so I didn't I wasn't there at the time
  • rylees brother liked me

    When it was in 5th grade my friend rylee was talking to me with some other friends too and then rylee said “um.. Michaela can i tell you something...” and i said “yes??” and then she said “well… you know my brother gaige right” and i said “yeah” and then she said “he liked you in the beginning of 5th grade” and then i told her ‘you're telling me this now!?!?” and then she told me “well he asked me to tell you but i told him to ask you himself i'm guessing he didn't” and i said no