My timeline

  • my parents got married 6BB

    my parents got married 6BB
    My parents got married before i was born
  • Brother was born 2BB

    Brother was born 2BB
    My brother was born at riddle hospital
  • Dog 1BB

    Dog 1BB
    I got a dog and her name was roxie
  • Dead lizard 1BB

    Dead lizard 1BB
    My parents lizard died
  • I was born

    I was born
    i was born at riddle hospital
  • Dog 2AB

    Dog 2AB
    We got my dog his name was duke
  • my dog roxie died 4AB

    my dog roxie died 4AB
    my dog roxie was really old and we had to put her down
  • cousin born 7AB

    cousin born 7AB
    my cousin mya was born
  • my bestfriend moved away 10AB

    my bestfriend moved away 10AB
    my best friend riley moved and know i cant see her
  • my parents got devorced 11AB

    my parents got devorced 11AB
    my dad moved to glen mills and i see him every weekend
  • my other cousin was born 11AB

    my other cousin was born 11AB
    my cousin Savannah was born she is myas sister