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My Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on November 28th 2002.
    Mother's name is Vivian Valenzuela
    Father's name is Jorge Rosales
    Brothers' name is Diego and Jorge Rosales too.
  • Awards for outstanding students in 2nd primary

    Awards for outstanding students in 2nd primary
    For the good grades i got the award from my old school.
    My old school was Colegio Santa Catalina Laboure.
  • Awards for outstanding students in 3rd primary

    Awards for outstanding students in 3rd primary
    For the good grades i got the award from my old school.
    My old school was Colegio Santa Catalina Laboure.
  • Diploma of the Swimming Course

    Diploma of the Swimming Course
    In vacations from 2016, i used to swim beacuse it was a hobby for me, in fact i really like to swim. Here a photo with my friends and my brother.
  • Guitar Diploma

    Guitar Diploma
    I got a Guitar Diploma from the National Conservatory Of Music of Mixco, Guatemala.
  • My First Gig

    My First Gig
    When I went to a concert for my older bother's birthday.
    The band was "Metallica" is one of my favorities bands
  • My Disease

    My Disease
    I had a serious disease, i got sick of Hepatits A.
    In fact, my disease was diagnosed early and the cause of my disease was because i ate contaminated seafood. Here one photo with my father when i was in the hospital for three days, and for that reason i don´t like to be sick and i dont like to go to the hospital too.
  • My second demonstration in front of the National Palace of Culture

    My second demonstration in front of the National Palace of Culture
    I went to the manifestation on September 20, 2017.
    It was a good experience.
  • Trip to El Salvador

    Trip to El Salvador
    My brother had a robotic competition from the Colegio Santa Catalina Laboure, He went there with his friends and teachers. The relatives of them, icluding my family were also went them to support them.
    I knew part of their culture.
  • Trip to IRTRA

    Trip to IRTRA
    With my degree, we went to IRTRA because in june, we did the Entrepreneurship Week and we earned enough money to make a Trip.
  • My Friends

    My Friends
    I met them in a vacation course, they were the best days of my life.
    The vacation course had soccer, karate, swimming, magic and dance and i received it at Club Majadas,Majadas.
  • My First Performance

    My First Performance
    When for the first time i had my first performance.
    Because i attend a musica academy, today I'm studying the bass guitar for only 1 year exactly.
  • My First Experience in an Asylum

    My First Experience in an Asylum
    For an excursion from my old school, we went to an Asylum in Antigua Guatemala as a solidarity project and to entertain and enjoy a moment with the elderly.
    It was a good experiencie because in spite of everything they had the hope. Here a photo with all the grades went to the Asylum.
  • My Performance with my Band (Reclass)

    My Performance with my Band (Reclass)
    In the Music Academic that i attend, i had a presentation for outstanding studen and for my band that it formed in September.
  • At Present

    Today I'm studying in Colegio Suizo Americano.