Family Timeline

  • Parents meet

    Parents met at a party
  • Dad proposed

    Dad proposed
    My dad proposed to my mom at the Singers Garden in Philadelphia
  • Parents Marriage

    My parents got married 3 years after dating
  • Brother Born

    Brother Born
    My brother was my parents firstborn son.
  • I was born

    I was born
    i was born a year and 18 days after my brother. I was my parents second child and firstborn daughter
  • Got Rex

    Got Rex
    we got a yellow lab named Rex in Lancaster PA
  • Little brother born

    Little brother born
    my little brother Joaquin was born
  • little sister born

    little sister born
    my little sister Amanda was born
  • Moved from Texas to Philadelphia

    Moved from Texas to Philadelphia
    My dad got a job offer so we moved from Texas to Philadelphia.
  • Rex died

    Rex died
    my dog Rex died