born -
fractured/ broke my legs
when was three I tried to clime a shelf and in fell on my legs. -
First time I went fishing
My dad lived in Oklahoma at the time and he took me fishing at a lake. -
I drive boat
My dad let me drive a boat in a lake. -
My dad's tattoo
My dad showed me the giant tattoo of my name on his leg -
My dad got married and I was there with the best man
I was right up there with them all -
I got my first online console and played my first online game. -
Black Ops 2 came out and changed my life. -
First time I really started making a lot of friends. -
All my older friends and family moved out of the school -
I decided I would move to California with my dad and leave my mom -
I moved on from the 8th grade and was on my way to California -
I went to 9th grade new fit, new state, and fat as hell. -
I became a sophomore and mid way through the year I started to enjoy my life. -
The happiest I've been in California.