"What was life like during your four years of high school?"

By lowefy
  • Global Women's March

    Global Women's March
    The Global Women's March was a worldwide march to support gender equality, reproductive rights, and many more issues.
  • Parkland School Shooting

    On Valentine's Day of 2018, a school shooting took place claiming 17 individuals. Resulting in powerful reactions nationwide.
  • Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    Facebook was exposed for harvesting all user data by the British firm Cambridge Analytica. Which created controversies about user privacy.
  • Trump's Defense on immigration policies

    Trump's Defense on immigration policies
    Donald Trump fought for his policies against immigration in the United States. Emphasizing the need for reform in the system.
  • Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal

    Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal
    Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from his Nuclear deal with Iran due to him suspecting Iran would not keep their promises.
  • Trump meets Kim Jong-Un in Singapore

    Trump meets with Kim Jong-Un in Singapore to talk about peace and de-escalate talks about nuclear weapons.
  • Florida COVID-19 Quarantine Starts

    Governor Ron De Santis announced an executive order encouraging everyone to stay inside unless they were essential services, creating a shortage in essentials at the store.
  • George Floyd Death

    George Floyd Death
    George Floyd's murder created a spark nationwide. Creating protests and riots, which led to increased violence all over the nation.
  • Biden announces withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan

    Biden announces withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan
    Biden announced the withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan because he thought it did not fit the national interest of the United States.