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My Timeline

  • Victoria Leigh Colone was born

  • Period: to

    Birth to Middle Childhood

  • 3 months old

    holding my own head up, and I stuck my tongue out a lot
  • 7 months old

    Got my first two bottom teeth
  • 9 months old

    Officially crawling!
  • 9 months old

    Two upper teeth grew in!
  • First birthday!

    celebrated at home with pizza and cake and with lots of guests
  • First steps!!

    took my first steps at home with dad
  • baby sister was born!!!

    Lauren Olivia Colone
  • Successfully completed my first year of preschool

    at Jackson Early Childhood Center
  • Broke my jaw

    at Greenwood Farms park
  • Lost my first tooth

    not quite four years old, lost it at the Detroit Zoo trying to open some M & M's
  • Completed Preschool Sunday School

    at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
  • Succesfully completed my second year of preschool!!

    at Jackson Early Childhood Center
  • Joined gymnastics

    at Livonia Gymnastics Academy
  • Completion of Kindergarten

    at Hoover Elementary School
  • first car accident

    grandma was driving, her friend pat was in the passenger seat, my sister and I were in the back seat
  • baby brother was born!!

    Niko Anthony Colone
  • Made the Honor Roll

    at Farms Intermediate School
  • Completion of the D.A.R.E. program