My timeline

By Alyse95
  • The Calculator "Arithometer,"

    The Calculator "Arithometer,"
    Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar creates the first reliable, useful, and commercially successful calculating machine. it could divide add multiply and subtract numbers. This helped us today by not having to calculate such large numbers in our head and gives us the power to complete complex equations.
  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference Engine
    In early 1822, Charles Babbage begins developing the Difference Engine that included the first mechanical printer. This helped other inventors take the ideas from this invention to create the analytical
  • Silicon

    Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius discovered silicon (Si) an element that used today for computers, which today is the basic component of an IC (integrated circuit). Which is in many devices and computers today that help them work
  • The Typerwriter

    The Typerwriter
    Printing presses had been using typesetting for many years, but it was hard and took a lot of time to do. W.A. Burt invented the typewriter. The invention of the typewriter lead to us creating the computer by trying to find out how to write and not take so long
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. It allowed people to speak across long distances and helped people communicate all over the world.