My Timeline

By 9019
  • I was born(in Indonesia)

     I was born(in Indonesia)
  • I started talking

    I started talking
  • I started walking

    I started walking
  • The first time I went abroad

    The first time I went abroad
  • I got chiken pox

    I got chiken pox
  • I moved into a new house in a new location in Indonesia

    I moved into a new house in a new location in Indonesia
  • My first day of preschool

    My first day of preschool
  • My head got stitched because my friend pushed me on the stairs

    My head got stitched because my friend pushed me on the stairs
  • My father's mother died from lung cancer

    My father's mother died from lung cancer
  • I managed to get to the final round of a Spelling Bee competition in Indonesia

    I managed to get to the final round of a Spelling Bee competition in Indonesia
  • I moved to Singapore

    I moved to Singapore
  • Enrolled at ISS

    Enrolled at ISS
  • Entered grade 5

    Entered grade 5