When I was born, my parents said that I came our crying and screaming. They said my sister came out as quiet as could be. Thats still how it is now, I am loud and my sister is quiet. Picture: Creative Commons -
Meggie Dies-Family dog
Meggie died of old age. She had lived a long and good life, she was very energetic and loved table scraps! Picture: Creative Commons -
World Trade Center-Destroyed
When the world trade center got destroyed I did not really remember what was going on. Alls I can remember is my family and I were at the diner table eating supper and I was talking. Then my mom yelled at me because she wanted to hear the news and the news was about the world trade center getting destroyed that day. Picture: Creative Commons -
Adopted Ty
We adopted Ty from South Korea when he was still a little baby, he was not even one yet. We met the foster mom at the Des Moines airport. Picture: Creative Commons -
Got Maggie from pound
When we went and looked at dogs there was all kinds of dogs and different sizes. Maggie was the only calm and friendly dog there! Picture: Creative Commons -
Hurrican Katrina
Hurrican Katrina affected my family and I because my gradma owns a condo down there. The condo did not get destroyed but there was some damage to the condo. Picture: Creative Commons -
Snow Storm
The snow storm in Iowa affected me because it was so icy out side we lost power for a little bit over 3 days. We had a generator though so that kept us up and running. Picture: Creative Commons -
I was not affected by the flood but I know a lot of people that were. Some houses from the flood have still not been touched or even fixed. Picture: Creative Commons -
Got Molly
We got Molly from a neighbor that boards dogs. He has all kinds of labradors. Picture: Creative Commons -
Won soccer tournament
Every year we go to the Madison, Wisconsin soccer tournament. We have won it every year! Last year was our last year to do it because now we will be in highschool. Picture: Creative Commons -
Osama Bin Laden-Died
I was just about to go to bed when I saw breaking news come up on my t.v. I saw that Osama Bin Laden has been captured. Picture: Creative Commons -
Won the 1500
I won the 1500 in track. That was the first time I had ever won anything by myself! Picture: Creative Commons