my timeline

  • Born on March 7, 2001.

    Born on March 7, 2001.
    I was born on March 7, 2001.
  • I went to school (kinder).

    I went to school (kinder).
    It was a first time to go to school for me.
  • Graduate to lower school.

    Graduate to lower school.
    I became a lower school student.
  • I came to the Philippines.

    I came to the Philippines.
    It was my first time to came to the Philippines.
  • I studied at BISS in 4th grade.

    I studied at BISS in 4th grade.
    It was first time to study in Brent.
  • I moved to Casa Kalayaan Internation School.

    I moved to Casa Kalayaan Internation School.
    I studied at CKIS.
  • Summer vacation in Casa.

    This time was vacation in Casa.
  • Graduate middle school in BISS.

    I graduated in middle schoo in BISS.