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My time line

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    My time line

    My time line
    I started talking
  • My time line

    I was born in the Troncoso hospital
  • My time line

    My time line
    I started walking in my first year of life
  • My time line

    My time line
    I enter kindergarten at 3 years
  • My time line

    I enter the primary, thinking it would be the same as kindergarten
  • My time line

    My time line
    I took a course to enter the upper level, and that's where I met and my first important friends
  • My time line

    My time line
    I entered the Colegio de Bachilleres, having a great performance in my first semester, and meeting my best friends
  • My time line

    My time line
    I went to see the waterfalls of Zacatlán
  • My time line

    My time line
    I went back to the comipems exam to have a better educational quality. Taking me the surprise of my life, which was to stay in this Prepa
  • My time line

    My time line
    I met the person who made a big change in my life, for almost 3 months, in theory for 5 months