I was born in Floridablanca at 9:10 AM in Ardila Lule clinic. -
The things i liked to do when i was a kid
I played with my friends hide and seek, soccer, "ponchado".
I liked so much watch t.v.
I visited my grandparents often. I love them very much.
My favorite food when I was a kid and actually is chicken rice. -
My primary school - First part
I started my primary school in children school Robinson I studied until second grade, then i studied in Santa María Goretti institute until fifth grade. -
My primary school - Second part
I graduated from primary school in Santa Maria Goretti institute and I received my diploma that day I wore a graduation cap. -
My high school - First part
I started my high school in Santa Maria and when i finished sixth grade I changed to the San Jose de la Salle institute until eleventh grade.
I received an honorable mention in eighth grade. -
My high school - Second part
I graduated from high school in San Jose de la Salle institute and I received my undergraduate diploma and the degree certificate that day my family accompanied me. -
Program at UIS
I was admitted to the university Industrial De Santander (UIS) and I started in September 2020 the systems engineering program. -
Recent information
Currently I am 18 years old, I'm in the second semester of systems engineer and a try to learn Unity and Linux.