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My time line

  • my birth

    i had been born on a Wednesday at 4pm (approximately) through Caesarea.
  • my first birthday

    my parents had made me a barney party :D
  • my second birthday

    This time, my parents made me a simpler party but with more guests, unfortunately, that day I hadn't feel well, so i cried a lot
  • my third birthday

    I had only celebrated with my cousins ​​in an amusement park in the nearest shopping center
  • my cristheing

    I had been baptized along with other children, but the photographer that day was a political uncle of mine, and most of the photos had come out very dark
  • my first day of school

    I was very excited for my first day of school, so much so that I hadn't cried like the other children, and that same day I had met my first best friend.
  • Nemo & Marlyn

    My parents had bought me two goldfish as my first pets, but they didn't last more than a week because we didn't know that the fish tank should have an oxygen tank...
  • first graduation

    I had had to fluently read a speech because I was the best in the promotion, plus I was the lead singer of the school choir, so I sang Christmas carols I had never seen a teacher so proud of me as my music teacher in that then (i miss him: 'c)
  • my first and only birthday in Mc. Donalds

    To celebrate my seventh birthday I had asked to be held at a party organized by the McDonalds food chain, unfortunately I drastically gained weight because I could eat a free hamburger a month for a year.
  • my second graduation

    In my primary school graduation the teachers had given me cupcakes and flowers, although my mother also wanted to give me flowers but my father was not interested in the idea so they fought over that xD