my time line

  • my dad went to collage bb a long time ago

    my dad went to collage bb a long time ago
    he went to cribbage collage and met my moms brother before he met my mom
  • my mom and dad met and went to a bunch of skin trips bb to long to rember

    my mom and dad met and went to a bunch of skin trips bb to long to rember
    my mom and dad liked to ski so they went to collrodo a lot
  • my dad didn't want to have kids yet bb

    my dad didn't want to have kids yet bb
    my uncle and ant had a kid and my dad baby sat him and he stared to love kids and wanted to have a kid
  • my older sis was born bb 2 years

    my dad wanted boy so bad and then a girl came out. but then my dad was stared to love her.
  • the day I was born

    the day I was born
    I was born at rose tree hospital.
  • my younger brother was born AB 4 years

    my younger brother was born       AB 4 years
    my dad and mom wanted another girl but he pop out and they where happy eather way but my dad wanted to name him herny
  • first day of kindergarten AB 5 years

    first day of kindergarten AB 5 years
    I had the nice teach their and we just played games a lot
  • I went to states AB 5

    I went to states AB 5
    I went to states for the first time for wrestling and it was cool but i took 4 place.
  • first week at 3 grade AB 8 years

    first week at 3 grade AB 8 years
    i was at recess and i was on the caterpillar and i tried to one up my friend because he jumped off and i tried a back flip and over rotated and put my arm down and broke it and needed surgery
  • first day at 7 gr AB 12 year

    first day at 7 gr  AB 12 year
    it was really hard to finger it out but then i did and the school work is still hard.