my time line

  • my parents get engaged BB

    my parents get engaged BB
    they get marriedd
  • my parents get married BB

    my parents get married BB
    i wasn't there or born but it looked fun.
  • my brother was born BB

    my brother was born BB
    When my brother was born in he almost died
  • my sister is born BB

    my sister is born BB
    my sister was born at the same hospital as me but i forget what it was called.
  • i was born

    i was born
    my parents said when i was a baby i didnt cry much
  • we went down the shore, sea isle city

    we went down the shore, sea isle city
  • my dog Frankie passed away

    my dog Frankie passed away
  • my family went on vacation

    my family went on vacation
    we went to busch gardens
  • we got leo the dog

    we got leo the dog
    leos a basset hound
  • my family went camping

    my family went camping
    we went to eagle peak pa