my time line

By s55939
  • first day of high school

    this was my first day of high school
  • first varsity high school match

  • got 3rd at state my freshman year

  • got 3rd in greco at fargo nationals

  • first day of sophmore year

  • got 3rd at state again

  • got my first knee surgery

  • got my second knee surgery

  • got 4th at state for park hill

  • finished my jounior year

  • place at fargo

  • start my senior year

  • start my senior year of wrestling

  • place at walsh ironman tournament

  • graduate from high school

  • start college at mitchelle instatute of technology

    become a power lineman
  • graduate from college

  • get an intership with black hills power and light

  • get married

  • have a kid

  • buy some land in wyoming

  • buy a couple head of cattle with my dad

  • retire from my job

  • move the whole family to wyoming

  • give my ranch down to my kids

  • watch my second son graduate college