The Day I was Born
This was a very signifigant day of my life because it was the day my life started. -
First Vacation
This was an important event in my life because it was the first time I had ever been on a vacation and had left the country. I went to Florida with my family This event also included my first plane ride. -
First Day of Kindergarten
This was a very signifigant day in my life because it was my first day of school which would eventually lead to my future education experiences. -
Moving to Lake Wilcox Public School
This was an important day in my life because it was like starting a new life because I was little and when I was changing schools I had to make new friends and stuff. I moved for Crosby Hights Public School to Lake Wilcox. -
Broke My Arm Fr the First Time
This was an important event in my life because it taught me that when I did stupid things, I would have tio pay for it by gettin g hurt and having to live with a cast for 8 weeks. This event was the begining of a long list of injurys that would occur in my life time. -
Got my braces off
This was an important day in my life because after having braces for 3 years, I finally got them off for good. -
Grade 8 Graduation
This was a signifigant day in my life because it was the end of one chapter (the elementry school chapter) and the start of another (the high school chapter). -
First Day of Grade 9
This was very signifigant in my life because it lead to me meeting a bunch of new friends and getting to experience new classes. -
First Swim Competition
This was a signifigant day in my life because it led to me improving on my swimming and being the athlete I am today -
Opening Show Night in Musical
This was an important day in my life because it was the first ever play i had been in and I was one of the leads so I was very excited to see what it would lead to in the furture.