My Time Line

  • All 90's Kids Were Born!!

    All 90's Kids Were Born!!
  • BEauty and the Beast Came out

    BEauty and the Beast Came out
  • 151st Day of the Year

    151st Day of the Year
  • Schindlers List The Movie

    Schindlers List The Movie
  • Clinton Was Accused of Sexual Harassmant

    Clinton Was Accused of Sexual Harassmant
  • Forrest Gump

    Forrest Gump
  • Selena Quintanilla Died

    Selena Quintanilla Died
  • I WAS BORN!!!

    I WAS BORN!!!
  • President Bans Late Term Abortions

    President Bans Late Term Abortions
  • Federal Debt. 5498.9 billion

    Federal Debt. 5498.9 billion
  • Population: 267,743,595

    Population: 267,743,595
  • Ny Yankees Won The World Series

    Ny Yankees Won The World Series
  • My Sister Was Born

    My Sister Was Born
  • G. W. Bush Sworn Into Presidentce

    G. W. Bush Sworn Into Presidentce
  • 9-11 Twin Towers Fell

    9-11 Twin Towers Fell
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
  • Finding Nemo Came Out

    Finding Nemo Came Out
  • First State To Allow Gay Marriage

    First State To Allow Gay Marriage
  • Rosa Parks Died

    Rosa Parks Died
  • Population: 6.5 billion

    Population: 6.5 billion
  • Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer was released

    Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer was released
  • MJ died

    MJ died
  • 12-21-12 Doms Day

    12-21-12 Doms Day
  • Oboma Sworn into Presidence

    Oboma Sworn into Presidence