My Time at School

  • Period: to

    History of Education

  • John Major elected Prime Minister

    Conservative government
  • 'Three Wise Men' Report

    Curriculum Organisation and Classroom Practice in Primary Schools: A discussion paper
    - created in one month
  • 1992 white paper Choice and Diversity: A new framework for schools

  • Education (Schools) Act

    Establishment of Ofsted
  • Department for Education (DFE)

    John Patten replaced Clarke as education secretary and the Department of Education and Science (DES) was renamed the Department for Education (DFE).
  • 1993 Dearing Report The National Curriculum and Its Assessment

    first major review of the National Curriculum
    time spent on paperwork and testing was damaging good teaching and learning
  • 1993 Education Act

  • 1993 Education Act

  • I began Primary School:

    Reception Year: New Invention Infant School
  • Period: to

    My Education

  • 1997 Education Act

  • Tony Blair elected Prime Minister

    principal education adviser was to be Andrew Adonis
  • 1997 White Paper Excellence in Schools

  • I started junior school

    New Invention Junior School - Year 3
  • 1998 School Standards and Framework Act

  • Introduction of Specialist School Status

  • City Academies Introduced

  • I began Secondary School

    Coppice HIgh School
  • Coppice Performing Arts School

    Coppice High School changed into Coppice Performing Arts School when I was in Year 9
  • 12 City Academies

  • Green Paper Every ChIld Matters

    This led to the 2004 Children Act
  • Building Schools for Future

  • I began my GCSEs

  • 17 Academies open

  • Children Act 2004

    Every Child Matters: change for children
  • White Paper 14-19 Education and Skills

  • Sat my GCSEs

  • Began Sixth Form

  • Gordon Brown elected Prime Minister

    Ed Balls
    Department for Children, Schools & Families
    John Denham
    Department of Innovation, Universities & Skills
  • 2008 Education and Skills Act

  • Finished my A Levels / Left School