My Ten Events Timeline

By Keely
  • The Day I was Born

    The Day I was Born
    I was born the 15th of May on the year 1997. The time was 5:17 a.m. and father nowhere to be found. I also was name after a "Cabbage Patch Doll" that belonged to my sister. Happening in the world this day: The Space shuttle Atlantis blasted off on a mission to deliver urgently needed repair equipment and a fresh American astronaut to Russia's orbiting Mir station.
  • The First Time Meeting

    The First Time Meeting
    This was the first time meeting my Aunt Carole and Cousin Eric. They are a part of my Father’s side of my family.
  • Second Birthday

    Second Birthday
    I am now 2 and this is my sister Megan reading me my card, “Two blocks, two kites, two balls, two cats, and two shoes...”
  • Christmas Time of the Year

    Christmas Time of the Year
    My whole family enjoying the winter time. (Me: far left, Mom Diane: middle front, Brother Kyle: far right front, Dad Bob: left back, and Sister Megan: right back.)
  • The Beginning of a New Millennium

    The Beginning of a New Millennium
    It is New Year’s Day of year 2000 and we are at a beach in Florida. Also known to my family as “Keely’s fun in the sun.” Happening in the world this day: After years of preparation for Y2K, only minor computer-related problems were reported (a problem with Hotmail, with a nuclear power plant in Japan and with apartment heating in Korea)
  • Fifth Birthday

    Fifth Birthday
    My family and I go out to celebrate my fifth Birthday (and yes we are at Burger King but if I remember right that was the best birthday ever because it was the good old times.)
  • Dress-up Day

    Dress-up Day
    My friend Alexis and I decide to become ballerinas for a day.
  • Class Picture for Second Grade

    Class Picture for Second Grade
    This picture was taken in second grade and it was my last year at Newton D. Baker.
  • Class Picture for Fourth Grade

    Class Picture for Fourth Grade
    This picture was taken in Fourth Grade and it was my second year at Watter-son Lake.
  • Christmas Day Program

    Christmas Day Program
    This really wasn't done on Christmas day that year but I had to read a speech and I wasn’t just nervous but I also couldn’t see because my glasses broke two days before. (I broke them at school when playing basketball, the ball hit the rim and then came right back at me in the eye.)