My Technology Timeline

  • The PlayStation is Invented

    The PlayStation is Invented
    The invention of the PlayStation video gaming system was a pivotal part of my childhood. Since it was invented the same year I was born, my memories of the PlayStation come from a few years after its release. I remember my parents buying my brother, sister, and me the "Rugrats" video game when I was around four years old. That game created some of the first memories I have of bonding with my brother and sister.
    Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
  • I Get a Boombox

    I Get a Boombox
    I was six years old when I got my very own boombox. I immediately decorated it with stickers and spent hour after hour using it to listen to my mom's CD's. Some of my fondest memories of my mom, who passed away last year, involve us dancing together while the music from the boombox played in the background. Photo courtesy of
  • My School Gets Mac Computers

    My School Gets Mac Computers
    In my early elementary days, we never used computers. Then my school received a grant that allowed them to purchase 6 computers to place in the school library. My classmates and I were absolutely amazed at the sight of all the multi-colored Mac computers. I remember excitedly searching for non-fiction books about my favorite animals through the online library catalog, amazed that something so cool could exist. Photo courtesy of
  • My First Cell Phone

    My First Cell Phone
    When I was 17, I finally got my first cell phone. I was so excited because all of my friends had already had theirs for several years. It was a flip phone -- a little pink TracFone (no camera) that required "minutes" to be able to use, but it completely changed how I interacted with my friends. Photo courtesy of eBay.
  • My Own Computer

    My Own Computer
    When I was 18 and preparing for college, I got my first laptop. I used the money that I received from a scholarship, and I spent hours researching the best laptops to get for college. It was my first major purchase, so I was nervous. I settled on one with a dandelion design and decided to name it “Alfred.” I used that laptop throughout my four years at Morehead State University.
    Photo courtesy of
  • Online Teaching

    Online Teaching
    I was hired at my first online teaching position with a company called VIPKID. I spent 3 years teaching students who lived across the world in China. It was an amazing experience. I fell in love with online teaching and continue teaching students virtually, today through a company called Edmentum . Photo courtesy of