My Technology Timeline

  • Born

    I began my life on this day. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • My First Email Account

    My First Email Account
    I created my first email account, using hotmail. I used this email to communicate with my friends. (Image curtesy of Google Images)
  • Home Computer

    Home Computer
    My family purchased our first home computer, an IBM. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • AOL

    I used dial up Internet and AOL to "talk" to my friends. Instant messaging at its peak. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • Facebook

    I signed up for a college based social media site, Facebook. I remember signing up for this while in a college course at West Virginia State University. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • C++

    I took my first computer programming course in c++. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • Smartphone

    I purchased, and fell in love, my first smartphone. It was a blackberry, but only a short time later I purchased an iPhone. (Image curtesy of Google images)
  • Master's Degree

    Master's Degree
    In December of 2013, I graduated with a Master's in Leadership Studies from Marshall University. I obtained this degree entirely online. (Image curtesy of google images)