
My Technology Timeline

  • Sony PlayStation

    Sony PlayStation
    The Sony PlayStation or better known as PlayStation was the brainchild of Mr. Ken Kutagari and released in Japan on December 4, 1994 and later in US on September 9, 1995. The PlayStation was Sony's response to Nintendo's N64 and Sega's Genesis. This was similar to N64 by using polygons to produce 3D images.
  • Blu-ray Disc

    Blu-ray Disc
    Blu-ray Discs and associated technology was released in 2006. It was developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association or as it was formerly known as Blu-ray Disc Founder group in May 20th 2002. Sony is the majority holder in the Blu-ray Disc Association. To boost the Blu-ray, Sony had included a Blu-ray drive in the PlayStation 3 back in November 2006. The Blu-ray Disc is capable of storing 25GB of data on a single layer of polycarbonate. Way more than the conventional Digital Video Disc or HD DVD.
  • Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro
    I bought my first MacBook Pro for school and I cannot stand it. But, it is an integral part of people lives and has had an impact on our daily tasks. The MacBook Pro was first introduced in January 2006 at an Macworld by Steve Jobs.This was a huge upgrade from Apples previous computer, the PowerBook. The MacBook Pro featured an iSight (webcam) which was a welcome addition because consumers would have to use an external webcam and a change in processor from PowerPC to Intel.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    This piece of technology was a sought after and welcome change to the video game industry. Before its initial release, the Nintendo Wii was codenamed Revolution prior to its release. Later on Nintendo was sued for infringement of copyright due to it's motion controls design used in the Wii remotes
  • Android OS

    Android OS
    Android has had a significant impact on our lives, changing the way we interact/communicate with one another and how we access our files on mobile devices. Google acquired the. Android OS in 2005 even though it was already in development since 2003. Android OS has brought innovative technologies and changes since its debut in 2008. The neat confectionary code names associated with android versions (Android 8 Oreo) were dubbed by Ryan Gibson who was the project manager.