First time I used a computer
I remember in first grade going to the computer lab for the first time and practicing commands with certain key strokes. I think I can remember making a digital turtle go "home" Photo credit venturebeat.com -
Oregon Trail and Number Crunchers
Computer Lab time for Oregon Trail and Number Crunchers was the highlight of the YEAR for us in elementary school. I always dies of dysentary or lost my oxen in a flood but I loved it all the same. I even have an app on my phone now to play when I get bored! Image from Feistees.com -
We had internet in our house! I remember hearing the dial up motem sound and spending hours playing "Carmen Sandiego" and looking for those obnoxious "101 Ways to Annoy People in an Elevator" lists. Image from vintagecomputing.com -
This was probably the first time I remember using the internet to do research for a paper or project. We also used a computer card catalogue in our high school library which I thought was so cool. I still say to this day that nothing smells like a card catalogue and I sort of miss the scent but a computer certainly is more convenient! Image source www.ric.edu -
IM Me!
"You've Got Mail" were about the sweetest words ever, and IM'ing took up most of my after school time. I hoarded the free AOL hour CD ROM's from the mail and I always had profound away messages. I can also remember spending copious amounts of time flirting with a guy for the first (and only time really) online! Image credit: childrenofthenineties.blogspot.com- -
The first time I had ever heard of Google was in discussion for a group project while I was taking undergraduate clasees. It seemed like such a strange name. I was really just learning about search engines and how to o something on a computer besides craft the perfect AOL IM away message! Credit www.basvandenbeld.com- -
I barely set foot in a library because I could access all of the online scholoarly journals through my home computer! Any reseach papers I had to do could be done from the comfort of my pajamas. Image USC Thomas Cooper Library Credit: flickr.com -
I got my first iPhone. I can't imagine how I lived without one now. Everything I need is right in the palm of my hand. Music, games, books, any bit of information you can dream of. Tv Shows, movies, even my pre-schooler knows how to use this for entertainment and education. I think this is probably the most significant and life changing piece of technology of my lifetime so far. Built on the foundations of all the computer tech and internet technology that came before! Photo credit engadget.com -
Wi-Fi in the CAR?!?!
We just bought a Volvo and it is a Wi-fi hotspot. Now my daughters can watch Netflix in the car when we travel. It's just crazy. Image credit: smithmotorgroup.com