Apple Macintosh
My parents purchased our first at home computer: an Apple Macintosh. This was a big deal as they were very expensive when they were first released. https://www.mac-history.net/2021/02/10/history-apple-macintosh/ -
My dad brought home an original NES Nintendo Entertainment System. I don't play many video games but this one I still have and do play. https://www.dkoldies.com/original-nes-mario-123-pak-acceptable/?sku=SystemZ-NintendoNES-Mario123ASIS&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjryjBhD0ARIsAMLvnF-isPOWf7e51IQu1BSxLnazTZtzvAOunUVNI1N45LPjUEsnaSj5dg8aAr9FEALw_wcB -
My best friend across the street got a SEGA and we spent countless hours playing Sonic. I was and am still an outdoorsy gal but this was one of my favorite consoles. Disney classics like Aladdin and the Lion King were my favorite games. https://history-computer.com/the-history-of-sega-consoles-2/ -
First Flip Phone
I purchased my favorite phone of all time in 2005-the Motorola Razr. To this day, I still long for the simplicity. https://www.pcmag.com/news/a-visual-history-of-the-motorola-razr -
The iPhone
My coworkers begrudgingly talked me into getting my first smart phone, a necessary evil. I am thankful for the instant gratification but long for the days where people valued interacting in person instead of preferring the anonymity of behind the screen. https://appleinsider.com/articles/18/06/29/the-story-of-the-original-iphone-that-nobody-thought-was-possible -
Online Masters
In 2020, I took the leap to enroll in an online graduate program at Marshall. I miss in person classes deeply but am so thankful that I can pursue my masters degree at home after having children. https://muphotos.marshall.edu/2020