
My Technology Journey

  • 8-Track Tapes

    8-Track Tapes
    My dad's truck had this type of device to play music.
  • Laserdisc Movies

    Laserdisc Movies
    My grandparents had these at their home when we would go to visit.
  • Oregon Trail on Floppy Disc

    Oregon Trail on Floppy Disc
    My mom was able to bring home her school computer in the summer and we played this game all the time.
  • Electronic Typewriter

    Electronic Typewriter
    I learned to type in Jr. High on an electronic typewriter.
  • Walkman and Cassette Tapes

    Walkman and Cassette Tapes
    These were used in my Jr. High and even High school years to listen to music.
  • First Cellphone

    First Cellphone
    I was given my first cellphone because of my job with the County. It had to be plugged into my work truck.
  • Discman and CD's

    Discman and CD's
    After 2 years isolated from technology in Africa I came back to CD's and Discmen.
  • Pagers

    I used a pager before my first personal cellphone.
  • Power Point

    Power Point
    When I started teaching I had PowerPoint connected to a large T.V. in my room to show presentations.
  • I Phone

    I Phone
    With my current I-Phone I can access maps, my entire music library, thousands of pictures, share videos with my class and family through Smart TVs, etc. Amazing how far we have come!