my birth
- I was born the eleven of August of the two thousand one Was – irregular verb
My first day of school
- at four years I started to study school started – regular verb
My first communion
- at eight years old I made my first communion made - irregular verb
my parents' wedding
- my parents were married the same day I made my first communion made - irregular verb
I met my boyfriend
- in the year two thousand thirteen I knew my boyfriend knew - irregular verb
my confirmation
- at thirteen I made the confirmation made - irregular verb
my graduation
- in the year two thousand sixteen I graduated from school graduated – regular verb
trip to san Andrés
- I traveled to San Andres two years ago Traveled – regular verb
I started studying in the Seine
- I started studying at sena a year and a half ago. Started – regular verb
trip to bogota
- I traveled to Bogota with my Sena colleagues six months ago Traveled – regular verb