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    I was born in 1986 in Turmequé Boyacá. my parents were happy
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    My baptism was in March 19, 1987. My God parents were Omar and Maria. I wore a white dress, my parents made a Party
  • Childhood

    I spent my childhood in Nuevo Colón. I grew up in my family`s farm. I was so happy, I used to climb trees, play with my sisters and my cousins I loved to visit my grandparents. Also I enjoyed to play with my dog Lazzy.
  • school years

    school years
    I went to school al th age of four, I was a good students. I had a good friend, her name was Cindy. My first teacher was Dora, she was very angry. I learnt to read and write at the age of five, I was moved from first to second grade in the half of the year, I was so sad . because of that. I was so good at poetry I won all the contest the every year. Also I presented my poems in front of all the school.
  • Chilhood

    I enjoyed time with my cousins we played hide and sick and we run all day. We also celebrated birthdays with them.
  • High school

    High school
    I started the high school, however that year was the worst year of my life because my father died. I was debasted. I cried a lot. He was a special father, He loved me.
  • My Niece

    My Niece
    In 2001 and my niece was born, all my family was happy.
  • end of high school

    end of high school
    I graduated from the school in 2002, but that year my grandma die. I was so sad, I moved to take care of my granfather.
  • University Life

    University Life
    I began the university in 2004, I started to study law, but I did not like it, so I changed to modern languages. It was the best desition I took. I had a great time, also I met a very special boy his name was Nelson, and my best friend Sabrina, tthe best years of my life. I traveled to Medellin, Barranquila, Valledupar and another cities with a research group.
  • Research group

    Research group
    I belonged to a research group at the university, I had the oportunity to be a presenter in a very important congres in Cartagena.
  • united States

    united States
    I traveled to the United states with a scholarship which I won, I went by plane, It was a great experience because I lived in New York and I traveled a lot.
  • Snow....

    I coul experience the snow..it was beautitul at the beginig..but then it was not nice.
  • Niagara Falls

    Niagara Falls
    I went to Niagara Falls, they were amazing, I traveled by bus. I ate a lot and I got sick that night.
  • Back to Colombia

    Back to Colombia
    I cabe back to Colombia in 2009, I returned because my granfather died. It was so hard for me. I had fun in the united states but I was so happy to be here.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I began to work before I finish my University. i was hired at La presentación School in Tunja, it was a hard Job but I learnt a lot.
  • Graduation

    I graduated in April 17 2011, It was one of the happiest day of my life. I made a party with all my sisters and my brother. I also Invited my friend. I also changed the color of my hair, it was a mistake.
  • Got Married

    Got Married
    I got married in 2012 in December, my husband and I decided to be toguether for ever.
  • Bogotá

    I moved to Bogotá because I got a job at Sans Facon school. I had a good time there with my students,
  • Canada

    I won a scholarship to go to Canada with a group os students. I made hundred of things. It was a nice trip.
  • The best of my life...

    The best of my life...
    We decided to have a baby with my husbad, I got pregnat at the end of 2012, I wanted to be a mother.
  • Job at the university

    Job at the university
    I started to work at UPTC in 2014. It was my dream. I felt the happiest woman.
  • Pandemic

    In 2020 the pandemic began. It was terrible.
  • Specialization

    I Studied my specialization in ICTS applied to learning. I graduated that year.