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my story

  • born in mason city

    born in mason city
    born in mason city
  • house in mason city burned down

    house in mason city burned down
    in mason city my house burned down because of christmas lights sparking the tree.
  • rental home

    rental home
    we moved into a rental home in charles city for a couple of months
  • house in the country was built

    house in the country was built
    we were staying with my moms friend who lived across the road from my great grandpa and great grandpa who moved to town so we built a new house in its place
  • got first dog

    got first dog
    got jinx on july 13 2003 she is a yellow lab
  • stayed with moms friend next to our future home

    stayed with moms friend next to our future home
    our house was getting built and we stayed with my moms friend untill it was done and my moms friend lives across the road
  • grandma lavelva died

    grandma lavelva died
    my grandma died on december 22 2012 her funral was on the 23
  • dog dies

    dog dies
    my dog Jo-Jo died september 9 2013 she was a yellow lab rotwiler mix
  • got 3rd dog jenny

    got 3rd dog jenny
    we got jenny on july 3rd when she was 8 weeks old she is a charchol lab
  • grandma gayther died

    grandma gayther died
    grndma gayther died on october 8 2014 her funeral was on the 11
  • graduate

  • apply for uni

    apply for uni
    apply to go to uni
  • get into uni

    get into uni
    get accepted to uni
  • get a blacksmith degree

    get a blacksmith degree
    get a blacksmith degree
  • get a job as a blacksmith

    get a job as a blacksmith
    become a blacksmith
  • get maried

    get maried
    get maried
  • get a husky

    get a husky
    get an alaskan husky
  • have kids

    have kids
    have kids
  • get another dog

    get another dog
    get another dog
  • retire
